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THE DEADLIFT-the best and Most Versatile Superhero Exercise

While squats are the other important compound movement for various reasons, deadlifts and variations are the most versatile and can make you feel like a superhero! Deadlifts

-engage your whole body

-attacks the much neglected posterior chain

-helps build a proportional physique as you need to use your upperbody/back just as much as legs

-increase strength, stability etc.

-improve posture (when using proper form)

-increase testosterone/growth hormone production 

-as a result increase muscle mass, fat burning, better mood, sleep  etc. 

Image Source: Lipstick Lifters

Image Credit: Curtis High

Which One Should You Do?

While they’re all beneficial, some variations may not be right for you. For example, currently, I’m trying to put less stress on my hips, so I do a mix of conventional and Romanian depending on how I am doing my periodization (planning my workout/diet/rest for specific goals for a few weeks at a time). It’s best to try 3 variations and see what works best for you and ask for feedback/input from a coach/trainer.

How do you do deadlift at home during this pandemic or if you just don’t have access to a gym?

On my IG I have posted some quarantine videos doing deadlifts with

– loaded backpack (standing wide stance on two stools performed sumo)

-heavy band under the feet while wearing a heavy backpack (I have used pavers to give my feet a boost, allowing for a deeper reach)

-using dumbells/kettlebells or heavy jugs or any heavy objects (based on your strength level)

Things to remember while performing deadlifts

  1. Keep your shoulders rolled back contracting your scapula to ensure proper posture and to avoid slouching or rounding of the back
  2. ENGAGE lats when you are securing your shoulders (something that most people ignore)
  3. Don’t get lazy with your CORE.. breathe out by squeezing your core
  4. DO NOT lean back too far when you stand up with the weights (just enough to straight up the shoulders)
  5. DO NOT LOOK UP TOO MUCH! KEEP THE spine as neutral as possible!
  6. DO NOT WEAR soft songy sneakers. Sturdy weightlifting shoes or Converse if you are a beginner. 

There’s a lot more to it … in terms of improving form and how to improve strength on it using accessory/supplemental exercises etc. Also individualized programming needed to see improvement in strength/physique otherwise it is easy to get overtrained/fatiqued central nervous system if done without proper programming/rest/recovery plan along with a diet that matches the intensity (volume/rep range) of the lifts. 

How many and how often should you do deadlifts?

That all depends on case by case basis and what phase of training you’re in. Talk to your coach/trainer or schedule a consultation with me  if you want individualized advice. Make sure to write down your current workouts/diet (indicate the intensity, reps,sets, rest, frequency etc of your exercises) in the assessment form so that my recommendation is more relevant/specific to you.

NOTES for competitive bodybuilders or people trying to attain a bodybuilder-like look:

Doing some heavy DL’s in addition to other key exercises  is what’s going to give you that physique you want. Only doing machines and isolation is NOT going to make your physique flow proportionately! You want that cobra back,bruh? Let’s get to lifting some real weights. You can stay at hypertrophy range but throw in some strength training periodization there for DL’s. If you are a competitive bodybuilder and can’t even DL  1.5 -2 times your body weight, maybe it’s time to reconsider your programming and dieting! It’s not necessary to do them heavy right before a contest while on a huge caloric deficit but your improvement season (or bulking season) should definitely have some dedicated time in your DL’s.

 REMEMBER a wide, thick back and round shoulders are what defines us and sets us apart from other athletes!!!! Machines and dumbbells alone aren’t going to give you that WINNING EDGE

NON Bodybuilders

IF DONE CORRECTLY, deadlifts (like squats and other compound lifts) will give you the health benefits and physique improvement/fatloss and better mood/energy you are looking for! Anything I suggest for a bodybuilder, can also be beneficial for anyone trying to work on their physique/health/athletics etc. 

DISCLAIMER: I am not a physical therapist! So if you have any injury or strain, you must consult with your orthopedic//PT. My tips/suggestions etc should be followed at your own risk.

Deadlift like Superwoman!

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