About Me

Fahmida Sheuly

Professional Natural Bodybuilder. OCB Bodybuilding Show Promoter. Bodybuilding Coach. NYC HS Teacher/Doctoral Candidate for Organizational Leadership
Hello there, fellow superhero!


I know you juggle a lot daily and want to figure out a way to be healthier and more fit at the same time!

My name is Fahmida. Some friends, family, fellow bodybuilders and clients affectionately call me “Superwoman” when they see me “picking heavy things up and putting them down”, while still getting my runs, boxing practice, calisthenics in after long hard days as a public school special education teacher and a multi-family home owner. I also manage hypothyroidism and cultural barriers while maintaining my professional status as a natural bodybuilder ( you can read more in the article here at Natural Gym Association Magazine).  It is DEFINITELY possible to make room for your fitness goals despite the busy schedule, health issues, or sociocultural barriers with guidance from the right coach and your own determination and commitment.


My Nutrition/Training related Background:
  • Bodybuilding Programming and Nutrition Coach for 7 years
  • Internships at Mount Sinai School of Medicine Hospital under Registered Dieticians in various departments.
  • Pre-med/Clinical Laboratory Science at Stony Brook University
  • I consult with expert licensed physical therapists and doctors of sports nutrition regarding my coaching approach.
  • Teaching/school leadership background helps me organize programming meticulously, and educate my clients effectively
  • Natural bodybuilding promoter and official judge for OCBonline.com


My coaching philosophy is that every Shakty Fitness client  gets an individualized plan and service that is specifically designed for his or her body, goals, lifestyle, cultural background, personal preferences and medical needs if any.


I believe by providing a holistic coaching service, a synergy of diet, resistance training, cardio, recovery plan with social emotional support, each of my clients can also feel like a superhero. I want to boost your confidence to the level where you believe you can exceed your own expectations!!!
As an OCB show promoter, I believe in providing extra ordinary services and experiences to amateur bodybuilders by organizing 100% drug-free contests in NY and CT.  I also push for social change through my contests by empowering teens, women, veterans (and all first responders) and even people with special needs. I provide special discounts and awards to first responders in all my shows every year. In doing so, I hope that I can give back to the community while being a dedicated spokesperson of anti-doping in sports while motivating our community members to stay active and healthy.

Natural Olympia XXI - Silver Figure Win